Dayna + a Big Announcement!

Ok, First? Can we talk about how freaking stunning this babe is? I met Dayna in a mental health support sisterhood we are both part of. We had an instant connection and before long, I knew I needed to do a shoot with her! She’s a friggin queen and such a muse. I’m so happy that its her photos that accompanies my exciting announcement! But let’s take a step back.

Over the past couple of years, I had been kind of floundering with knowing what I wanted to do in life. I knew I had so much inside to give, but I wasn’t sure where to channel all of my passion and talent! As part of the sisterhood that Dayna and I are in, we do periodic meditations together as a group.

This is me bearing my soul a little, which feels vulnerable but… moving forward, vulnerability is going to be a big part of my brand. *ooof

So I may as well get started with that here.

I attended a revelation meditation and THE NEXT MORNING I had this really powerful mental picture of what my mission and intention in life is moving forward! I had been working and praying and seeking the answer to this question for so long… and it all came to me in a rush. A rush of how I can combine all my interests, talents and gifts into one awesome career and life that will bless so many. Thinking about it lights me up and fills me with absolute fire!

What came to me was a vision of creating a local community that I wish I had had as a young, struggling mother. My children are still young. But they can navigate and communicate, which makes my life so much easier. I’m talking about when I had babies and toddlers. Absolutely exhausting!!! That time was such a struggle for me, as it is for many women, and I just lost myself in that time. I forgot who I was as a person and just became a source of life for these little souls.

I know I’m not the only one who struggled/struggles with this… so I decided to focus more on my photography so that I could afford to create a space that will meet the needs of so many mamas. Creating that connection through fun, creativity and good mental health practices.

My photography is to be the vehicle for that. But since becoming a mother, photo work has been something I do to get me out of the house, make a few extra bucks and provide a creative outlet for myself. I had never taken it super seriously as a business. But I knew that had to change.

I enrolled in a branding course and quickly learned that what I had originally intended to pursue (strictly commercial and product photography) was nnnnnnot going to work for me. I learned that I needed to be ultra passionate about my craft. After a lot (A LOOOT) of soul searching, I figured out what it is that I actually DO as a photographer as well as who I want to work with and how I want to serve them.

What I thought was a means to an end is turning out to be an essential cog in the community I want to create! So here’s the big announcement!!


I am now a portrait photographer serving women who are going through life expansions. It could be a divorce, adoption, infertility, a paradigm shift, a spiritual expansion or a healing journey. Whatever your expansion looks like, I’ll be working one on one with you to create beautiful portraiture that captures your essence and highest self. I will be offering a small selection of portraiture packages and options to choose from. Announcements for those will be coming soon as well.

I could not be more excited (or frankly more scared) to be pursuing my purpose and serving the people meant for me. I firmly believe that beautiful, incredible women have been prepared for me, and I for them, and that we will need each other to help us grow in a way that will change our lives.

Woah. I can’t believe I just wrote that. But I feel it.

I’m so excited to be creating this brand/life/community!!

Thank you for joining me here and I hope you’ll follow along as I stumble around to create this vision that lives in my head.